Friday, January 28, 2011

Strange position

Bubba Brown says:
A word of caution to the Media, you cannot have it both ways, If Mr Ignatieff chooses to make an ass of himself in public Canadians need to know.
He wants to be our representative, our Leader, he wants to go on the World Stage and speak for us, Canadians need to know what his opinions are, how he handles himself.
So far all I’m seeing is a “FAIL” of biblical proportions, he has no qualities that I have seen that qualify him for the job.
Absolutely no grasp of economics, the fact that the tax relief for corporations is a done deal. The Liberals 100 of them were no shows for that vote.
Willing to sign a deal with the BLOC who would destroy our Canada, Traitorous IMO
He doesn’t seem to grasp his role as Leader of Her majesties Loyal Opposition.
He undermines and denigrates the efforts of far better people than himself and when the are successful it must be due to the efforts of the Liberals 5 years ago!?
The danger here is that if you end up as the Americans have with a person that has not been thoroughly vetted he can do a lot of damage in a short time.
I have seen no demonstrated ability to do his job, he is AWOL most days.
He sees nothing wrong with sending his MP’s to the UAE or Copenhagen to denigrate Canada.
He has never grasped a simple truth if you disrespect a MP or a PM for that matter you are disrespecting everyone that voted for that person, not very smart especially when more people voted for him than you.
The whining by the MSM, hereafter known as Free Advertising For Liberals (FAFL) is rich Passionate Iggy is a loose cannon.
The Liberals are like the snotty little bully on the playground, the first time he gets sand kicked back in his face it is an outrage! Suck it up buttercups!
The Yes, Yes, Yes, lip lickin’ is on topic, weird enough to go viral.
I can remember all the soldiers in our streets, aircraft carriers, guns going off in our faces, we are not allowed to make this up, the Liberals shoveled it off the truck.
The Liberals it seems to me are working their way through the alphabet.
Adscam, saving Canada one manila envelope at a time.
Abortion, our newest export.
Arabs, we must to accommodate them, to the detriment of our sovereignty
Arena, gee maybe a few votes here.
Asbestos, is it really that bad, hey it’s a 500 buck a plate fundraiser!
AWOL, hey, show up everyday to do my job? I still want my entitled entitlements.
A.D.D, could be, I see defiant, disruptive, antisocial behavior here, troubling.IMO
Acting, pretending emotions you don’t feel