Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Election season is coming and Dwight Duncan claims he knows what this election is about.

Election season is coming and Dwight Duncan claims he knows what this election is about.
1.       He claims it’s about healthcare.
This is his government’s record on healthcare:
- 1 billion dollars wasted on E-Health scandal with only a small percentage of health files actually converted to electronic form.
-$250 million spent on another level of healthcare bureaucracy the LHIN’s staffed with you guessed it Liberal Party loyalists.
-The Ontario Health Premium or tax or fee or donation depending on the du jour; this money grab goes to the general fund.
      2.   He claims it’s about energy.
His government took a power grid with 130% power generation capacity which was affordable and abundant for industry and residents and replaced it with one of rationing and exorbitant.
Dwight has claimed had he not intervened that we’d have rolling blackouts.  In fact, he was frightened to leave the province. Had he left the province and travelled down to Ohio where the 2003 power outage originated, he would have learned it was from a software bug, known as a race condition, existed in energy management system.
The power outage wasn’t caused because of an absence of Liberal backed high priced Solar and Wind projects, rather it was an absence of clear lines of demarcation in the grid.
Dwight would have you believe otherwise.
3.       Then there’s that pesky claim which pops up every election; we are really going to phase out coal this time.  The facts tell a different story.
Coal consumption and production is up 29% this year but the claims continue for the children of course.
Dwight’s new booklet he mailed out admits there will be a 70% rise on electrical rates over 20 years.
This, again, is a best case scenario.
What Dwight fails to calculate is how much industry will pack up and leave Ontario over the coming years when his energy plans come to fruition and how his government would have to spread that revenue loss over existing customers to recoup fixed costs.
4.       He claims it’s about jobs.
Better than any tax cut to individuals or industry to spur economic growth would be to have affordable and abundant electricity Dwight has pursued the opposite and the result will be a stagnant economy.
Had Dwight’s Liberals just pursued tax cuts for the Ontario’s existing manufacturing sector, instead of driving up the cost of electricity and taxes to experiment with his new green manufacturing sector, maybe Ontario wouldn’t have become a have not province on his watch. We learned this week in the Windsor Star that he promised 50,000 GREEN jobs by 2012. However, there are at best 1500 heavily tax payer subsidized jobs.
This government isn’t only running one of Ontario’s largest fiscal deficits, but they are running a truth deficit as well.
The recession began when many Ontarians lost their jobs: the recovery begins when the Liberals lose theirs.

Matt Ford

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pay increases to Ontario public sector workers

Pay increases to Ontario public sector workers

Globe and Mail Update
Published Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2011 9:43PM EST
Last updated Thursday, Feb. 03, 2011 7:40AM EST 
Pay increases awarded to 65,700 public sector workers who bargain collectively in Ontario following the government's call for a two-year voluntary wage freeze in the budget last March. The list includes 23 employee groups with 300 members or more.
For universities:
University of Toronto 2,800 faculty and librarians 2.25 2.25 2 yrs $18-million
Carleton University 600 teaching assistants, contract workers 1.5 1.67 3 yrs $310,000
Carleton University 830 faculty 1.5 1.5 2 yrs $1.1-mllion
Carleton University 750 support staff 1.75 1.83 4 yrs $500,000
University of Western Ontario 1,700 faculty 1.5 1.5 4 yrs $4.4-million
University of Western Ontario 1,100 staff 1.5 1.5 3 yrs not available
University of Western Ontario 1,900 teaching assistants 0.6 0.6 2 yrs not available
University of Waterloo 1,030 faculty 0 1.8 5 yrs not available
University of Waterloo 1,300 staff 0 1.8 5 yrs not available
Trent University 363 support staff 0 0 2 yrs zero

More related to this story

For hospitals:
38 hospitals 16,000 support workers 2 2 2 yrs $27.1-million
Ottawa Hospital 2,250 paramedical and professional staff 2.5 2.5 2 yrs $4.86-million*
Ottawa Hospital 3,300 offices, trades, registered practical nurses 2 2 2 yrs $4.9-million
Windsor Regional Hospital 400 social workers, psychologists, lab technicians 3 3 2 yrs $1.44-million**
St. Joseph's Health Care, London 600 full and part-time mental health workers 2.5 2.5 2 yrs $890,000
Northeast Mental Health Centre 460 workers 2.5 2.5 2 yrs n/a
For long-term care homes:
100 Homes 17,000 personal support, dietary, housekeeping workers 2 2 1 yr $27.8-million***
Extendicare 1,438 employees 2.3 2.3 2 yrs ***
Oakwood Retirement 1,150 employees 2.2 2.2 2 yrs ***
Revera 550 employees 2.4 2.4 3 yrs ***
Other sectors:
Ontario Provincial Police 5,700 uniformed officers, 2,700 civilians 2.54 1.7 3 yrs $35.1-million****
Municipal Property Assessment Corp. 1,400 employees 0 0 2 yrs zero
Art Gallery of Ontario 382 employees 0 0 2 yrs zero
* Includes $564,000 in higher shift premiums
** An arbitrator awarded retroactive pay last October for a two-year period ending March, 2010, but the extra money will come from this year’s hospital budget.
*** The cost of all wage settlements for contracts that expired last year for long-term care homes, including $7.5-million awarded through arbitration for the 17,000 employees.
**** Figure calculated by The Globe and Mail. Neither the OPP nor the OPPA provided an exact figure.
Sources: Ministry of Labour reports, arbitration awards, compensation agreements, employers

Decades of Bad Foreign Policy

Decades of Bad Foreign Policy

    The recent upheaval in Egypt and the demands from Cairo’s streets is yet another example of the U.S. meddling improperly in foreign affairs.  I could cite: Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Panama, Chile and others if it pleases.  But, the ‘nation of the free and the home of the brave’, too often is a nation which supports oppression and engages in cowardice.   How is it that a nation so proud of it’s independence and the document which supports such could demand tyranny and allow suppression of others?    It seems no matter what administration or the political stripes of it, the U.S. continuously embarrasses themselves on a global scale as an insult to an ideology they only pay lip service to.  The U.S. seems always to err on the side of stupidity when it chooses a dictator over democracy.   But, fine people, they always find an excuse for their wrongs, or  find a scary group or individual to blame it on.  Sometimes they choose to blame the tyrannous leader they once supported, like Saddam.   I fear Yemen, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are not far behind in the tide of failing or falling governments.  This could spell disaster, huge instability and possibly war for the Middle East!

    Not so long ago just after the ‘Twin Towers’ fell in New York, 2001, President George Bush suggested that the notorious hijackers gained entry through Canada.  This was proven to be absolutely false!  All of the radicals who flew those planes, landed legally upon American soil and actually trained to fly those airliners in the U.S. with loans from U.S. banks.  In 2008, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (D) stated that the threat of terrorists entering through the Canadian border was still a problem.  February 2011, Senator  Joe Lieberman stated “the Canadian border poses bigger terror threat to U.S. than Mexico border”.   See the Americans are  never wrong, more like they can just never admit they are wrong, probably because the truth is too embarrassing.  It must be nice to rewrite the facts so they suit your mind set, but this skewing of data and truth is what the U.S. does best.  We must admit that our American cousins really do have a major problem admitting their colossal plunders and not learning a thing from them.  Because they keep damn well keep repeating them!

    Unfortunately, the United States has had decades of really bad foreign policy which lead to unsound foreign affairs, hostile relations and heinous decisions which have a body count.  Accusing everyone else but self of wrong when the only common denominator in error, is you, is completely ridiculous!   Unfortunately, the world sees it but 'apple pie' America does not!

Rob Cheshire


Friday, January 28, 2011

Strange position

Bubba Brown says:
A word of caution to the Media, you cannot have it both ways, If Mr Ignatieff chooses to make an ass of himself in public Canadians need to know.
He wants to be our representative, our Leader, he wants to go on the World Stage and speak for us, Canadians need to know what his opinions are, how he handles himself.
So far all I’m seeing is a “FAIL” of biblical proportions, he has no qualities that I have seen that qualify him for the job.
Absolutely no grasp of economics, the fact that the tax relief for corporations is a done deal. The Liberals 100 of them were no shows for that vote.
Willing to sign a deal with the BLOC who would destroy our Canada, Traitorous IMO
He doesn’t seem to grasp his role as Leader of Her majesties Loyal Opposition.
He undermines and denigrates the efforts of far better people than himself and when the are successful it must be due to the efforts of the Liberals 5 years ago!?
The danger here is that if you end up as the Americans have with a person that has not been thoroughly vetted he can do a lot of damage in a short time.
I have seen no demonstrated ability to do his job, he is AWOL most days.
He sees nothing wrong with sending his MP’s to the UAE or Copenhagen to denigrate Canada.
He has never grasped a simple truth if you disrespect a MP or a PM for that matter you are disrespecting everyone that voted for that person, not very smart especially when more people voted for him than you.
The whining by the MSM, hereafter known as Free Advertising For Liberals (FAFL) is rich Passionate Iggy is a loose cannon.
The Liberals are like the snotty little bully on the playground, the first time he gets sand kicked back in his face it is an outrage! Suck it up buttercups!
The Yes, Yes, Yes, lip lickin’ is on topic, weird enough to go viral.
I can remember all the soldiers in our streets, aircraft carriers, guns going off in our faces, we are not allowed to make this up, the Liberals shoveled it off the truck.
The Liberals it seems to me are working their way through the alphabet.
Adscam, saving Canada one manila envelope at a time.
Abortion, our newest export.
Arabs, we must to accommodate them, to the detriment of our sovereignty
Arena, gee maybe a few votes here.
Asbestos, is it really that bad, hey it’s a 500 buck a plate fundraiser!
AWOL, hey, show up everyday to do my job? I still want my entitled entitlements.
A.D.D, could be, I see defiant, disruptive, antisocial behavior here, troubling.IMO
Acting, pretending emotions you don’t feel
