Friday, February 4, 2011

Decades of Bad Foreign Policy

Decades of Bad Foreign Policy

    The recent upheaval in Egypt and the demands from Cairo’s streets is yet another example of the U.S. meddling improperly in foreign affairs.  I could cite: Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Panama, Chile and others if it pleases.  But, the ‘nation of the free and the home of the brave’, too often is a nation which supports oppression and engages in cowardice.   How is it that a nation so proud of it’s independence and the document which supports such could demand tyranny and allow suppression of others?    It seems no matter what administration or the political stripes of it, the U.S. continuously embarrasses themselves on a global scale as an insult to an ideology they only pay lip service to.  The U.S. seems always to err on the side of stupidity when it chooses a dictator over democracy.   But, fine people, they always find an excuse for their wrongs, or  find a scary group or individual to blame it on.  Sometimes they choose to blame the tyrannous leader they once supported, like Saddam.   I fear Yemen, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are not far behind in the tide of failing or falling governments.  This could spell disaster, huge instability and possibly war for the Middle East!

    Not so long ago just after the ‘Twin Towers’ fell in New York, 2001, President George Bush suggested that the notorious hijackers gained entry through Canada.  This was proven to be absolutely false!  All of the radicals who flew those planes, landed legally upon American soil and actually trained to fly those airliners in the U.S. with loans from U.S. banks.  In 2008, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (D) stated that the threat of terrorists entering through the Canadian border was still a problem.  February 2011, Senator  Joe Lieberman stated “the Canadian border poses bigger terror threat to U.S. than Mexico border”.   See the Americans are  never wrong, more like they can just never admit they are wrong, probably because the truth is too embarrassing.  It must be nice to rewrite the facts so they suit your mind set, but this skewing of data and truth is what the U.S. does best.  We must admit that our American cousins really do have a major problem admitting their colossal plunders and not learning a thing from them.  Because they keep damn well keep repeating them!

    Unfortunately, the United States has had decades of really bad foreign policy which lead to unsound foreign affairs, hostile relations and heinous decisions which have a body count.  Accusing everyone else but self of wrong when the only common denominator in error, is you, is completely ridiculous!   Unfortunately, the world sees it but 'apple pie' America does not!

Rob Cheshire


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