Sunday, October 24, 2010

We are Conservatives!

We are conservatives, because we value hard work, not excuses, and the perpetual blaming of others for situations in which we find ourselves.  We adapt and overcome, therefore, we overcome.   We value the equality of all peoples, as equals, in the sight of a merciful God.  We do will not tell you how to worship, do not tell us how to either.  One should not attempt to alter, a process, and a government which has worked for so many, for so long.  If we seem protective of this nation.  It’s because we ARE!  We do not desire, want, nor covet what you have, we shall work for our own.  And, in the process we shall bring others with us. For a true conservative is generous with what he/she has.  We honour our fallen, for the freedom they died for.  We are conservatives, because we value what is ethical, honourable, and just.  And, we invite all who desire to live free and peaceably, to call Canada their home.   We are just people, like you, imperfect, but free.  We are Canadians and we are Conservatives!

Rob Cheshire

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