Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow job

    Early, Monday December 13th snow squalls off Lake Huron blanketed Lambton County with drifting snow.   Hundreds of  motorists and truckers were stranded in their vehicles on highway 402 between London and Sarina, Ontario.  Over 300 people were left shivering in their vehicles for over thirty hours on the impassable highway.  A trucker, Mike Jones said “the situation was a disaster”.  Some of the snow drifts topped seven feet!  According to the London Free Press, the military was called in to help evacuate these motorists.  At least the federal government stepped in but why did the Province not act sooner?  Why were these people left stranded for so long?  I suggest to you that once again Premier McGuinty and his government are lax in their responsibility to this Province and this situation high lights that fact!  I believe that the Premier should answer why it took over 30 hours to rescue these poor people and why there was not a plan in place for such an event?   It is a wonder that no one perished in this horrific storm!  An American traveler from Michigan stated “ I thought I was going to die” awaiting a rescue, she “..thought would never come”. 

Rob Cheshire

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